Weekly Bulletin

August 28, 2022                            12th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Heavenly Father, You are my sufficiency and strength, my light and my life, my all in all. I pray that when dark clouds of unknowing loom across my heart, that I immediately call to mind the wonderful truth of Who You really are. May I rest in the wonderful security and eternal salvation I have in Christ.

*indicates that congregation should stand, if able


*CALL TO WORSHIP (read responsively) (from Psalm 81)
L: Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob.
P: For the LORD is God; it is the LORD who freed us from bondage.
L: O that God’s people would listen to Him, that Israel would walk in the Lord’s ways!
P: The Lord will feed us with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock He will satisfy.
L: Come, let us bow down before the LORD and worship Him with a sincere heart!

By your spirit enable us to live a life in purity of thought and action, in humility of heart and generosity of giving. Help us never to forget that it was your unmerited grace that lifted us from a lowly and sinful state;  may we never fall into the fallacy of the Pharisees who thought higher of themselves than of others.  Enable us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and embrace those the world considers last, least, and lost. Amen.

*APOSTLES’ CREED OF OUR FAITH & BELIEF  (#738, red hymnal)

*HYMN: “Take Time to Be Holy”                              (brown) 155

READING FROM THE PSALMS: Psalm 17:1-3; 11-14        
L: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
P: Thanks be to God.

Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer                page “x” at front of red hymnal



*Doxology                        back cover of brown hymnal
*Prayer of Thanksgiving

*SERMON TEXT: I Samuel 17:29-37; 45-47       Pew Bible p. 240  
MESSAGE: “Is There Not a Cause?”        Pastor Harold Sharp                                                                 

*HYMN: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”          (brown) 145